My AskAI added within Zendesk Messaging for AI customer support

Zendesk AI Alternative

Want AI customer support in Zendesk without breaking the bank?

We ❤️ Zendesk as much as you do. But their AI features are too expensive, at up to $1.50 per AI resolution!So, keep your Zendesk live chat widget, but use My AskAI, and start deflecting up to 75% of customer support requests with AI.

How much more affordable is My AskAI vs Zendesk's AI?

We're 5-10x cheaper than Zendesk's AI customer support features.Zendesk AI is priced at ~$1 to $1.50 per conversation resolved by AI. With an expected AI resolution rate of 30-50%.So if you have 2,000 support tickets per month.You could be paying an extra $1,200 per month, on top of the $50-100 per month per support agent.The same volume on My AskAI would be $198/mo. Each AI conversation is only $0.10.

AI customer support, in a way that suits your business

Firstly, you don't need to replace your Zendesk Messaging widget, or train your team on a new tool.You just install My AskAI from Zendesk's App Marketplace. And point us towards your help docs to train your new AI support agent.You can have everything setup in a few hours.

My AskAI's replies within Zendesk Messaging

Human handover for when a human touch is needed

AI can't do it all and sometimes your support team are still the best at handling certain, more delicate, situations.That's why we think AI + Human customer support is the future.

My AskAI's human handover feature within Zendesk messaging live chat widget

Want to see it in action?

You can add AI customer support to your Zendesk account in ~30 mins. Just create your account, train your AI chatbot and install it to your Zendesk workspace.